Follow the Endangered Species Foundation's journey in setting up a conservation fund for New Zealand's rarest of the rare - critically endangered fauna and flora on the brink of extinction. The future of New Zealand's most vulnerable is uncertain - nearly 4,000 indigenous species are in danger of being lost. We we have a chance to pledge our commitment and support to protect our extraordinary species and unique habitats, now and into the future. We are committed to preserving the rarest of the rare, by funding results orientated conservation projects, with the support of New Zealanders like you.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

A New Presence

Right now, our website is being loaded with all our information and images – with the plan to go live in the next couple of weeks.

This is a hugely important step for ESFNZ. It’s slow-going growing a network of support without an internet presence, and it’s hard to help people if they haven’t heard of us and can’t ‘google’ us!

The new website marks a transition for ESFNZ into a new phase of work. One where we reach out to people and:
  • grab their interest
  • get people talking more about species and habitat protection
  • share sound information on species and habitat protection
  • keep them informed on conservation issues
  • inspire donations, sponsors and support.
As a supporter, we invite you to give us your feedback on the website and ideas on what you would like to see. Can you find the information you want?

Check for our website from late October at