Follow the Endangered Species Foundation's journey in setting up a conservation fund for New Zealand's rarest of the rare - critically endangered fauna and flora on the brink of extinction. The future of New Zealand's most vulnerable is uncertain - nearly 4,000 indigenous species are in danger of being lost. We we have a chance to pledge our commitment and support to protect our extraordinary species and unique habitats, now and into the future. We are committed to preserving the rarest of the rare, by funding results orientated conservation projects, with the support of New Zealanders like you.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

A Reality!

The Endangered Species Foundation of New Zealand is now a legal entity!

Dame Cheryll Sotheran, Prof. Sir Alan Mark, Kerry Prendergast, Neil Thorsen, Dr Jane Marshall, John Walsh (Acumen Republic) and Richard Allan at the signing of the Foundation's Trust Deed. Richard Dore absent.

It has taken a lot of work by many people over the past couple of months with fantastic support from Kensington Swan Lawyers to develop our Trust Deed, which was signed by our Trustees on the 18th March.

The Mission of the Endangered Species Foundation is:

"to provide a professional funding organisation through which successful projects are completed to help achieve the Goal of preventing any further extinctions of New Zealand’s unique indigenous biodiversity and their habitats”

Our objectives are to:

1)     support the active conservation of New Zealand’s unique places, plants and animal life, particularly for those species that are at risk of extinction;

2)     prevent further extinctions by facilitating the implementation of world-leading  efficient and effective management programmes for those species in imminent risk of extinction (the “rarest of the rare”);
3)     support research that provides conservation managers with tools that can be used to redress the threats to New Zealand’s indigenous biota;
4)     assist and cooperate with persons and organisations sharing similar aims;
5)     facilitate the hands-on involvement of local communities;
6)     provide information to interested parties, including local and central government about the appropriate management of endangered species.

Being a legally-recognised body means we can now progress to raising funds for supporting urgent conservation projects, and to help us with this we have been busy preparing a start-up business plan. This business plan explains how we plan on raising our $30 million fund!

An important spectator to the signing of the Trust Deed was John Walsh from the communication company Acumen Republic. More on this very exciting development in the next post!!

If you would like a copy of our Business plan email Mike A copy of the Trust Deed will be available once we have been approved as a charitable organisation.

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