Follow the Endangered Species Foundation's journey in setting up a conservation fund for New Zealand's rarest of the rare - critically endangered fauna and flora on the brink of extinction. The future of New Zealand's most vulnerable is uncertain - nearly 4,000 indigenous species are in danger of being lost. We we have a chance to pledge our commitment and support to protect our extraordinary species and unique habitats, now and into the future. We are committed to preserving the rarest of the rare, by funding results orientated conservation projects, with the support of New Zealanders like you.

Monday, 7 September 2015

What Next?

We are currently developing priority conservation project proposals that, when funded, will help secure species most at risk of extinction. These ‘priority projects’ will be on our website so anyone can read about what needs to be done, and can be inspired to donate to, or sponsor, a project. Each project proposal covers:
  • a biography of the species or habitat, including estimated population;
  • why it is a priority for protection;
  • what has already been done to help it;
  • what still needs to be done to prevent its extinction;
  • and, how much it will cost.
This will be great for Ambassadors, who can point potential donors to these pages on our website. Abbreviated project outlines will also soon be available in hard copy as an attractive booklet. Acumen Republic is currently working on this publication designed specifically for Ambassadors to give to potential donors.
The Mokohinau stag beetle - one of ESF's priority species. Photo Andrew Townsend/DOC/MONZ

Dr Mike Thorsen (ESFNZ Advisor) has been coordinating a multi-agency approach to “resurrecting the living dead” at Makara, on Wellington’s south coast. ESFNZ has attracted $200,000 in funding for the project from the Stout Trust, Nikau Foundation and local benefactors. The aim of the project is to reintroduce threatened plants to the area, in turn, providing natural habitat for threatened wildlife and opportunities for recreation. We are currently waiting on notification from Meridian on a funding application, before making a final decision on whether to proceed with the project with the current level of funding.

Planning is underway for our launch function at Zealandia, in Wellington, in late October/early November this year. Watch this space!

Zealandia received $10,000 from a local benefactor to replace two existing tuatara enclosures. Raewyn Empson, Manager of Conservation, Research and Education at Zealandia, said staff were disappointed to find the existing plywood enclosures rotting after only several years. Staff are now redesigning them to build an enclosure that will last but still meet husbandry requirements. With the animals currently in torpor (a state of decreased physiological activity), Raewyn says they plan to have the new enclosures ready for the tuatara once they become more active in September or October.

We are grateful to the Graham Hirst Kitney Charitable Trust for granting $10,000 to help purchase equipment for the development of a captive-breeding facility for endangered New Zealand insects at Lincoln University.

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